I Partner With Executives,  Business Owners & Experts Ready To Champion Their Next Level of Trajectory Personally & Professionally.

Ela Staniak
Leadership Coach & Consultant
Corporate speaker & trainer

You can't break through the limitations

Do you experience prolonged resistance, feeling frustrated or stuck without clarity on how to achieve the next milestone whether it is in your career/business, finances, intimate relationship or wellbeing? Are you being overlooked, unsupported, struggle to find your voice, get promoted over, allow disrespect from others? It is time to address what’s impacted you in the past so you can achieve the heights of what it is you are standing for!

tell me if you are feeling...

In the last 15 years of working predominantly with high calibre female leaders internationally I witnessed time and time again powerful leaders capable of achieving incredible potential struggle to achieve the next level of evolution personally and professionally.

Disconnected, "at full capacity" or "out of alignment"

There is a distinct difference between DOING leadership vs BEING leadership. You are human BEING and not human DOING. When you are connected, you are full of life force, operate in a heightened state of awareness and are incredibly receptive to receiving insights and ideas. Creativity enhances your expertise. Once you are in alignment you become effective beyond measures. When you are guided by your intuition and connected to your heart essence anxiety, dissatisfaction and overwhelm disappear.  

You have neglected your own needs or values while pursuing your career

Many leaders struggle to put their own needs first and that comes at a cost. They support everyone else but sadly do not support themselves to the same degree. Until you put the oxygen mask on yourself first and address the self debilitating beliefs that are sabotaging your potential nothing will change. You teach people on how to treat you, so if the standard of how you are treated (or how you treat yourself) is not of the standard you deserve you and only you can change this dynamic!

Act as a catalyst for enhanced vertical (consciousness) & horizontal (skills and capabilities) behavioural change in leadership development across all areas of one's life personally and professionally. The partnerships are custom designed to experience unprecedented results based on the integration of all facets of one’s identity: physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual all to cater for your specific needs. Nothing is off limits! Are you ready to develop unknown potential, disrupt current operating paradigms, redefine what it means to be successful so you can live your life on your terms?

Feminine Leadership Coaching Programs - A fine tuned combination of modalities of Executive Leadership & Performance Coaching, Behavioural sciences & Intuition.

it doesn't have to be like thIS...

Sitting in the driver’s seat of your life and career!

Leading with awareness and intuition while experiencing freedom, ease & satisfaction.

Embodying a high level of self-respect by embracing your unique leadership essence!

to thriving by doing this...

Not being able to break through current limitations

Feeling disconnected, ‘at full capacity’ or ‘out of alignment’.

Neglecting your own needs or values while pursuing your career...

just imagine going from...

AWAKEN your leadership essence, CHAMPION your greatness and SUCCEED beyond imagining to Lead & Live

are you ready to..


“Love love love this lady!
After making a huge leap of faith to leave a well paid leadership role - in search of something that aligned with my core values more - I reached out to Ela.
Her strength of knowledge across a wide range of entrepreneurial, intuitive and behavioural areas - allowed me to reinvigorate my own strength of conviction to follow my instincts. Ela will turbo charge your results. Strength, passion, intellect and intuition all wrapped up in a Entrepreneurial Go Getter”

Do you know what it means to own your presence? You will develop a strong sense of true certainty and confidence to co-exist with resistance, resolve conflict, conduct difficult conversations in a productive manner. Bye bye imposter syndrome!

Master your
‘Inner Game’


You will awaken your fighting spirit! You will develop courage, adaptability, passion, purpose and intuition to learn to operate in a co-creative fashion in a state of flow, in a slipstream, in a vortex. 

Reclaim ‘Your Moxie’


Feminine Leadership Coaching is not for the faint hearted but is designed for those leaders who are 100% COMMITTED to experiencing RESULTS to unprecedented levels. It’s a journey worth taking!

Personal & Professional Results Beyond Imagining


Let's TALK! Here's what you can expect!

You deserve more than living a mediocre life. You will LEARN to live and lead your life ‘in alignment’ to access flow momentum - the zone - your element! You will learn that your life is a 3D blueprint of your beliefs, conscious and unconscious. Imagine a life where your past is not in your future and you are leading your life with direction and intention. That's integrity! You will experience a complete connection to yourself, to your purpose, to your environment and your deepest desires and your highest ambitions. Shifting from DOING leadership to BEING leadership will fast-track your results. You will learn to stand tall in your values.

Tolerating not experiencing ‘extraordinary’ in the context of career, relationships and wellbeing. 

Ready for a change?

Having had the privilege for 15 years to work predominantly with high calibre female leaders and emerging leaders internationally in a broad range of industries from government, media, technology, HR & recruitment, finance, banking, real estate, entrepreneurs & coaches specialising in vertical (consciousness) & horizontal (skills and capabilities) behavioural change in leadership development I witnessed time and time again powerful women capable of achieving incredible potential struggle to achieve the next level of evolution personally and professionally.

Today, I am passionate about helping leaders, experts and organisations to embrace the duality of leadership. Certain paradoxes awaken unparalleled leadership potential ie Brain & Heart Connection; Authority & Empathy; Confidence & Kindness; Feminine & Masculine Traits; Strategy/Structure & People

I'm Ela

Hi there!

Leadership Coach & consultant here to champion your next level of trajectory!

Integrating competitive characteristics ignites the whole-brain approach and opens pathways to CONNECTION. Displaying ‘connection’ fosters integrity, transparency, safety and trust - the highest rated leadership traits today.

It is still surreal to me that a girl from Poland who lost her parents as a teenager, found her new home in Sydney, Australia and over the years landed coverage in hundreds of print and broadcast outlets around the world including Forbes Australia and her 2020 TED Talk "Diversity & Inclusion are logically impossible”.

You are tired of not being VALUED equally to your work colleagues, love partners and family members. You are ready to earn your worth and teach people how to treat you with respect!

You are tired of feeling UNSUPPORTED to the degree they deserve. You are ready to indulge in your birthright to LOVE, to be LOVED and to BELONG! Life is more fun with friends!

You are ready to Lead & Live THE ULTIMATE LIFE!

You are tired of being overlooked and UNSEEN in the workplace and at home?

You are ready to be 

 for your contributions the way you deserve!


- Zuzana Ondičová - General Manager IBM

“Together with fifty colleagues across the globe at IBM, I had the opportunity to participate in an unforgettable corporate presentation on the topic of “High Performance Resilience – Championing What It Takes To Go Next Level” delivered by Ela Staniak – High Performance Coach. Ela provided us with enormous knowledge on the topic of peak performance and resilience and shared practical steps which we can apply at individual and organisational levels immediately. These steps were customised to our needs and specific to industry demands. She certainly did her homework!” 

What  My Clients Say

As Seen In

I strive for providing clients with the experience of excellence and satisfaction. If you withdraw from your coaching partnership within the first 30 days for any reason, I will personally issue you a full refund of investment. 

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

there's no risk

 Believe that you are not enough in any realm ie not worthy, not significant, not lovable, not capable, not powerful enough.

Believe that your lack of results is caused by external factors ie. unhappy relationship/ lack of relationship, lack of support, time, economy, politics or else.

Want to continue deny your potential, talents, destiny and power.

To experience next level of evolution in all key areas of your life: career, relationships & wellbeing.

To become a powerful creator of your reality guided by your intuition and living in FLOW Momentum - in your zone of Genius.

To have clarity and live in alignment with your passion, purpose, direction and values.

This is not for you if... 

This is for you if you are... 

Ela offers a complimentary ‘Feminine Leadership Discovery Session’ to assess whether this program is a suitable program for you, and to assess your level of readiness. Ela only works with clients fully committed to their results. Ela offers a 30-day Full Money Back Guarantee.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

Ela has worked with clients at all levels of leadership internationally and understands that some clients prefer not to disclose their coaching relationship. All information is confidential including clients’ names. Those clients who choose to provide testimonials do so willingly.

Is this program confidential?

All coaching sessions are conducted on zoom and booked and forecasted at the time and day convenient to you within a mutual agreement. Ela navigates all time zones in a way that suits clients’ schedules and lifestyle.

Can I work with Ela living overseas?

Have Questions? I've got answers.

Ela’s keynote delivered a thought provoking message completely aligned to the innovative and problem solving work my team delivers at NAB. The theme of 'making an impact' really brought it to life through story telling leaving us with a powerful symbol, the “dragon” to ignite our passion as we pursue our goals this year. Great session! 


If you want to work with someone who truly embodies whole brain leadership, Ela is the person you need to speak with. Her gentle, yet thought provoking coaching style helps to illuminate what is hidden, unexplored and untapped. She has great wisdom and is able to navigate the intellectual and emotional realms with her clients in ways I have not experienced before. A true game changer.

Ela was an amazing speaker and mentor to have as part of our OnRamp programme. She spoke at length about Confidence & Communication with our participants at a number of sessions. Everyone who joined these sessions got endless value from Ela's combination of formal models with personal reflection and discussion. 
Ela is now part of our ongoing brans trust, and we will continually invite her back to work with us in the Vibewire network.

- Leesa Tongoulidis - CCO and Principal Consultant at Human Art Pty Ltd

I absolutely love the inspiring energetic support of this unstoppable woman! Ela made me realise what it was I wanted to do, and what is most important to me, structuring my goals in a way that I’d never thought of before. This led to a complete change in life and attitude. I fully believe my goals are reachable! My confidence has never been higher.

- Kelli Carr - BMW Group Brisbane

- MIKE BIGGS - innovation, Strategy & design consultant

If you are ready for your next level of trajectory personally and professionally to Lead and Live 'THE ULTIMATE LIFE' then say YES to yourself and give yourself permission to be guided, supported and understood the way you deserve!
Your legacy is in your hands!

Awaken your leadership Essence,
Champion your Greatness,
Succeed Beyond Imagining!

don't miss this opportunity


12 week Feminine Leaders 'Body Love' Group Coaching Program (women only)


Custom designed corporate solutions in partnership with dale carnegie australia


Private 1:1 Feminine Leadership Coaching Partnership 3, 6 & 12 months

Other ways to work with me



Professional Keynote Speaking

You will learn and experience an unbreakable bond, the one which reflects a complete connection to yourself, your environment and your desired outcomes. Shifting from DOING leadership to BEING leadership will fast-track your results


You will learn that your life is a 3D blueprint of your beliefs, conscious and unconscious. Imagine a life where your past in not in your future and that is solely a function of shifting your self debilitating beliefs that no longer serve you


You will LEARN to live and lead your life ‘in alignment’ to access flow, the zone, the slipstream, the vortex! All of conflict is a function of being ‘out of alignment’


Feminine Leadership Methodology to Lead and Live The Ultimate Life.

You will learn how to experience sustained exponential results as a function of living and leading a committed life! You will learn to transform your relationship to what it means to be ‘committed.’


You will learn how to be a 10/10 high performer personally and professionally. Who you are in your personal life has a huge impact on your professional life. We will review your life holistically to ensure that you are operating at your optimum.

You will learn how as a function of who YOU are being to transform every relationship you have in your life personally and professionally. What becomes acceptable becomes inevitable.

You will learn how to define, live and lead as a high performing leader achieving milestones beyond imagination. Whatever has been elusive before now will be exceeded to stratospheric levels.

Fundamental #1

The fundamentals of The Ultimate Life

You will discover, connect to and embrace what you were truly born to achieve in your lifetime from a place of deep knowing and certainty.


You will learn how to make a significant difference in areas of your life that are important to you personally and professionally. The level of impact that is possible when one is in alignment is life altering.

You will learn with crystal clear clarity to determine the direction of your life. For a boat to reach a destination one needs to charter it in a particular direction. We will powerfully partner you in learning HOW to transition from your current experience to experience the ultimate!

You will learn how to live a life where you experience a sense of satisfaction never experienced before. As you shift EVERYTHING shifts.

Fundamental #2

You will learn to maximise heightened levels of performance through evolving your consciousness. Sustained exemplary performance is a function of mastering the ones mindset.


You will learn to dream again and make them happen with assured certainty, resilience, grit, and commitment.

You will learn to work SMART not hard and stand for being highly productive in all areas of your life as your new norm.

You will learn how to live in alignment with your values. A value driven life guarantees a sense of freedom/peace one cannot put a dollar value on.

Fundamental #3